Home based Cat Grooming salon, which is feline exclusive grooming, now operating from Dandenong North, Melbourne. Your cat will be groomed, one on one, by Angela who is a fully Certified Feline Master Groomer (CFMG).
Being one on one, Angela does not allow anyone else in the van to assist. It is safer with less distractions and it is a small space I work from. Cats that present with aggressive behaviour such as biting/swatting/hissing are not suitable for our services. We do not have a mobile service.
To make a booking, please text Angela on 0478970420 with a recent close up photo of your cat, your cats age, a bit about the cats temperament and the groom you are wanting. We can then arrange a time for you to come to me. By booking our services, you agree to our terms and conditions which are at the bottom of the page under the Legal tab.
The cat grooming options available for your cat will be determined by a number of factors. Many of these factors are explained in the article here. These include, but are not limited to the cat’s condition, age, temperament, coat type, and breed, as well as the preferences of the individual owners. Lion cuts can not be done on aggressive cats or cats less than 18 months old. Expanding on this further, is an article on shaving cats.
Illustrating some examples of available grooming options, such as a Lion Cut or Comb Cut are some pictures below. However, once we see your cat in person, we can better determine what groom will be best suited to your cat. Being a sedation free service, your cat MUST be comfortable with being handled to be suitable for our service.
Finally, you are able to read an article on the subject of cat grooming written by NCGIA founder Danelle German.
Pricing varies depending on the coat condition, the cats size and temperament toward grooming. Extra fees for matting are from $30 and varies depending on the severity. All clients are required to pay a $60 booking fee per cat for full grooming services to secure their appointment. This will be deducted from the final cost of your cats groom or can be kept on file for future appointments.
Once your cat is on the recommended 4,6 or 8 weekly grooming schedule and the coat is in good condition, a de-shed averages $140 and a haircut averages $130. De-sheds need to be done on on regular 4,6 or 8 weekly schedules. Outside of this schedule, the cat will need to be clipped in a comb cut or lion shave.
To explain some the most frequently asked questions about cat grooming, please see our FAQ tab.
In addition, our Facebook Page illustrates some of our cat grooming styles.
Comb Cuts and Lion Cuts include a complimentary nail trim, ear and eye clean
• COMB CUT from $110
ADD BATH & BLOW DRY +$20 (see Extra fees in ‘additional options’ for matting and large cats) can not be done on non compliant cats, matted or knotty coats. Includes a nail trim.
• LION CUT from $140
ADD BATH & BLOW DRY +$20 (see Extra fees in ‘additional options’ for matting and large cats) only suitable for compliant cats and aged between 18 months and 10 years of age.
• DE-SHED from $120 Short-hair, from $140 Medium/Long-hair (see Extra fees in ‘additional options’ for large cats). Can not be done on knotty coats. Includes a COMPULSORY de-greasing bath and blow dry, nail trim, ear and eye clean. Reduces shedding by removing dead hair. Most effective when done on a regular 8 week or less schedule.
Options available on their own or in addition to a full groom. Nail trims are compulsory for every cat but are included free of charge with every full groom.
Belly Shave from $20
Sanitary Shave $15
Pants Trim $15
Bib Trim $15
Nail Caps (with a full groom)- Front only $20. Full set $35
Nail Caps (without a full groom)- $50
Toe Tuft Trim $20
Nail Trim $30
EXTRA FEES for matting for cats with less than 50% of the body matted overall, range between $30-$60 depending on the severity.
If more than 60% of the body is tightly matted, the charge will be $280 for a lion cut.
LARGE CATS 7KG AND UP will be an additional $20-$40 depending on their size
Nail Caps are only applied on cats 12 months of age or more.
a recent close up photo of your cat, your cats age and a bit about your cats temperament. We will then text through some more information. We do not groom cats that present with aggressive behaviour.
Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
© Copyright 2020. Fantastic Felines Cat Grooming. All Rights Reserved. Website Crafted by Mike Pro Media